Friday, 29 November 2013

Grant Me Serenity

Countdown has begun
To tell the World "I'm not yet done"
A New Life awaits
To Bless Me, He Himself is on his way
Grant Me Serenity and Hold me Forever 
To Give Up my Life But betray you never
To accept the change as the old me fades
To Smile, Hope and love with no more complaints
To forgive those Who've been unkind and unfair
For you are the only one, the Doer and the Destroyer 
To abandon the hatred for one and all
To adore and have a soft spot for all
To accept my faults and forget that is gone
To welcome that is to come
With warmth, love and Soul
Grant me serenity Oh Great Giver Lord
Embrace me with your love and carry me across
Bless me with Strength to fight the odds
And that eternal bliss which lights up the soul!!!

Friday, 2 August 2013

Not Alone Anymore

Closer it Gets
Fears Exaggerate
Tears Disappear
Feelings Diminish
Wrath Emanates
Words Fade
Silent I am
Outcry Devours the Soul
More than You
I'm Hell Scared of Losing Myself
No! Not Alone Anymore
See! I have so much with me